Ensure Your Family's Safety With The Proper Home Security System

Your safety is paramount, as is the safety of your family. The items within your home need protecting, too. What are the first steps to take? Read on to find them detailed below in full, giving you a road map of the things you need to do to secure your home. Make sure to unplug all of the appliances that can cause a fire hazard after you are done with them. Irons, stoves and toasters should all be unplugged, as electricity can flow at a very high rate if left plugged in. This can prevent a fire or electrocution in your house.

During the summer, remove all vegetation and dead wood from your yard. As things heat up in the summer, items may catch on fire and threaten your home. Keep your family and your house protected by regularly clearing out your yard waste. Don't show off your expensive possessions to the entire neighborhood. Take a step outside and look through your windows. If you can see expensive items that are potential targets for thieves, consider moving those items out of plain view.

Or invest in a set of curtains that can be drawn to prevent potential intruders from targeting your valuables. Consider changing your locks as a part of your home security program. Anyone from an old roommate to a former tenant could have access to your home if you leave the old locks in place. You can change the locks in a single day, and the hardware is not very costly. When people come to your door unexpectedly, ask who is there before you open the door. Even if you live in a neighborhood that does not have a high crime rate, it is still a good idea to be careful.

If the person on the other side is hesitant about replying, never open the door. Keep your windows locked. It seems like an obvious step to take, however many people simply forget to check the locks on their windows. Thieves are always looking for the easiest way into a home, and doors and windows are among the first entrance points they check here. This includes screened windows too, as screens can pop off quite easily.

Check the batteries of your smoke detector each and every week to determine if they are running low. If your smoke detector is not on, it will not pick up the smoke of the fire, which can lead to a disaster. Use quality batteries that last a very long time on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Keep your patio doors locked. If you do not have a lock on the doors, you can still keep your home safe. Place a metal bar or piece of pipe in the bottom track of your door's slide.

It should be the same length as the track of the door. Each of your exterior doors needs to have a solid lock installed, which means a deadbolt. If there is an existing deadbolt on the door, check to be sure it is at least one inch long. If not, you should be able to replace the lock yourself. Simply go to a hardware store and shop around. Keep flashlights in your rooms. If the lights go out, they will ensure everyone stays safe.

Train your kids how to use flashlights so that all members of the family can contribute. If you are going on vacation, do not change your answering machine telling everyone that you are going to be away.